The womb is a school and everyone attends.

-David Chamberland

You were born of the womb.

You developed into YOU through what was known as your home. How can you NOT hold the somatic impulses, memories, and thoughts from that time into this time now?
And as you took your first impulses to come into this world , how can you NOT hold the somatic imprints of your birth at deeper levels of your psyche?

Birth is often not the way we wanted it, be it conception, development in utero, or in birth and you carry that deep in your cellular memory. The earliest primitive responses take over the nervous system. Instead of addressing the birth imprints we collectively soothe ourselves through avoidance, denial, escape, or escalation of our symptoms. It does not have to be this way.

When we address the somatic imprints from our earliest memories time collapses. We begin to heal our relationships with ourselves and others. We start to really know our soul's purpose. We feel safe in our own bodies. All of this is possible for you too.
I am not the magic fix that is here to fix you. You are the magic, by remembering your birth, transcending your birth imprints, and remembering your blueprints at your core.

This is where you will remember and rewire to your blueprints of wellness.

Women gathered to redo their birth

What is Birthing Blueprints?

Birthing Blueprints is an immersion in a small group format. Together we create a safe and grounded environment to better understand our imprints from conception through post birth. These imprints likely affect your present day life and over-ride your nervous system and blueprints of wellness. We work in small groups (3-4 participants) to honor the sacredness of the space and allow for plenty of process time for each participant.

Together we hold the intention of creating a safe and nurturing "womb” where each participant receives group support to explore early physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual patterns of their birth. Each participant will receives a 1.5 - 3.5 hour session with the facilitator (Lesha) and the group using principles based in craniosacral therapy, family constellations, somatic processing, psychosomatics, and neuroscience. Each session is followed by group debriefing and time between sessions for individual processing. Also offered is an integration session 1:1 with Lesha 2-4 weeks following the immersion.

When we better understand our own births and allow our nervous system to be rewired with wellness we are given the opportunity to heal the earliest childhood trauma. This allows for repair in our relationships and attachment and a deeper connection with ourselves and our resiliency. Clients who have worked on birth imprints in a small setting always say the process allows for clarity and an opportunity to live life differently. It is is transformational on many levels.

How do I attend?

Immersions are held 1-2 times a year in or near Salt Lake City, Utah. Typically we meet Thursday evening through Monday mornings in a small home. All food and lodging is provided in the cost but you are responsible for transportation to and from the location. You will need to stay at the home for the entire immersion for increased safety and cohesion of the group.

What is the cost?

Each immersion varies slightly depending on number of participants and cost of lodging. In general cost of immersion, follow up appointment, and meals is $900. Lodging for 4 nights will vary from $300-$700 additional and will be established with the dates of each immersion.

I’m ready, now what?

Prior to joining you’ll need to meet with Lesha for a free consultation zoom call to make sure this is a good fit for you and pay a non refundable deposit of $400.

Please stay up to date by adding your email below. When the next retreat is organized you will be one of the of the first to be notified.



“Lesha has essentially reprogrammed my nervous system.

Before working with Lesha, my abandonment wound held me hostage. As a frightened and abandoned child- masquerading as an adult. I could not stay in my heart in the presence of volatility. The language of my nervous system was trauma and I could not escape the illusory cage of cataclysmic fear every time a disagreement would arise. I was unable to hold safety within myself. I was continually seeking safety externally- all while I was pushing the love away that I desperately wanted.

The truth is, I never forgave myself for being born. I never forgave myself for the tears my mother cried as I grew in her belly. I wanted to stay with her and protect her. I knew I couldn't stay with her. I knew that for her, the pain of birthing me would not end on that day. I never wanted to come to earth. I was ripped from her belly and she was sent home with the scars of shame and unworthiness. My birth was one of sorrow, pain, and isolation.

I was reborn on August 4th, 2019. Lesha orchestrated my rebirth. This sacred gift was one of the most divine experiences. I was given the gift of being loved, wanted and celebrated. That is the day I brought all of the pieces of me to this planet. August 4th is the day I stopped punishing myself and learned to forgive myself.

I am now learning how to create safety within myself. I'm finding love and compassion within my heart. I no longer feel all alone in this world. I actually feel the complete opposite- I feel like one of the most supported and loved people on this planet. I feel like I am worthy of going after my dreams. I no longer feel all alone in my pursuits. I trust that the open arms of love and support will be awaiting me every time I take the leap into the unknown.

My infinite love and gratitude.

Thank you, Lesha.”

- Carrie Cox, Birthing Blueprint Participant and Client



“I’ve been to multiple therapists, worked with healers all over the world, taken online courses, you name it… Lesha has an innate wisdom that is extremely rare in this world. Not only can I call Lesha a friend, but I can call on her when I’m feeling lost, exhausted and emotionally unstable.

Our work together was life changing. We dug into my subconscious and re-lived memories I’d buried. We spoke to my inner child. We planted seeds of healing in wounds I had forgotten existed. Lesha held me accountable for my own healing journey and truly helped me feel more in my body, present, and calm.

Immediately, relationships in my life began to change for the better. My mother and I have formed a friendship — something completely unexpected. My communication with my partner became more open, loving and felt safer as I’m typically one to shut down and easily go into victim mentality. My career took off as I got clearer on what it is I want under Lesha’s guidance and this process.

- Kaleigh, Client