Birth Imprints + Blueprints of Wellness

I was in my craniosacral therapy training class and on the table with two other students as my "therapists". The room was lightly lit and everyone was talking in gentle hushed voices while the instructors and support staff lingered around the parameters to help if needed.

The purpose of this practice session was to feel if there was anywhere in our bodies that felt "incomplete" from our biological imprint. This could be anything, any sort of "right of passage" that did not feel completed in our nervous system.

Maybe it was the first time you got your period and she was shamed.
Maybe it was the first time you took a step and were not celebrated.
Maybe it was your first day of school and the terror of being without your mom overtook your body.
Maybe it was when you were birthed, you were rushed away from your mother, out of the room (because that was common practice years ago).

Each of us have a natural blueprint of health and wellness, meaning the body wants to be well and knows how to heal at all times. It is the part of us the can mend our broken bones when they are injured or the skin heals when we accidentally cut ourselves. It also means that when there is emotional turmoil our inner wisdom will guide us towards wellness if we listen to the body. This concept is one of the cornerstones of craniosacral therapy.

When something does not feel complete then it can stay in the body and act as an imprint. This imprint feels like something is missing, feels off, and incomplete and the energy of it over rides your system. The natural blueprint of your body becomes imprinted and the brain now thinks the imprint is the new normal. But underneath the layers of the body the desire to be in the natural blueprint is still there.

When we are able to tap into what our bodies need to complete or shift the imprint we feel the natural blueprint that was there all along. We are then living our lives as healthy humans vs humans full of imprints.

My birth was an imprint that over rode my blueprint as I was a cesarian birth. I never received the right of passage of a vaginal birth and all the health benefits that come with it.

So as I laid on the craniosacral table and my body started to go into memories of my birth, I thought I had lost my mind. And in a way I had. We have to get the mind out of the way and tune into the body, the needs of the body, the desire of health and wellness, and connect with our deepest inner wisdom that can lead the way.

As the student therapists held space for me and guided me to connect more with my body and what my body needed, the more I dropped into the memory of feeling scared, not ready, and confusion because somewhere deep inside I knew this was not how I desired to be birthed.

So slowly through gentle guidance, subtle movements, and trust, I completed the biological process of health and re-birthed myself in a hotel conference room. I re-created the birth my body wanted. I called in love and light. I called in my sister and my husband. I was allowed to do it the way I desired with the people I wanted.

I believe the subtle movements were necessary for my body to release the energy that was stored from the cesarian. And it was a new way for my nervous system to move through what it needed and did not get at the time. AsI allowed my body to move, the nervous system was able release and also rewire at the same time.

It was not cathartic. I did not make loud noises. It was soft. It was gentle. And it was slow and nourishing to my body, which was exactly what it needed to bravely work with my inner knowing to find that blueprint deep below the surface.

Afterwords I was held, I felt safe, I knew I was wanted, my nervous system was calm, and my natural blueprint of belonging and deserving of love washed through my entire body.

Obviously I was not actually re-born but the mind does not know the difference between "real" and "imagined". We can imagine being somewhere like the beach and if we visualize and imagine it, our bodies have the same physiological affects as if we are there in that moment. The same is true for rewriting out birth stories, or any process we need to move through to come into our natural blueprints or biological processes.

Running an imprint in the system takes energy because it is not our baseline. Once the internal energy going towards the imprint is gone the same energy can now be used towards being in our true, natural states. Or the energy dissipates leaving us free to be in our natural states.

The sooner we can work with the blueprints the better. It is why working with a baby post traumatic birth has a more profound affect vs. getting the same work done when they are 30. It is also why I am passionate about helping adults come into natural blueprints, start to recognize their own birth imprints, and how they might be affecting their lives without them even knowing it.

Since that moment of recalling my birth, I have done this over and over again with different aspects of my conception, time in utero, birth, and childhood. What has shifted as I discovered my natural blueprint is peace (funny enough that is in my gene keys twice). As I shed the imprints and trusted my body to guide me to my blueprints, each time I found wellness, gratitude, love, and clarity.

Which is what blueprints of health are. At our truest cores we are peace, love and light. At our cores there is a deep inner knowing guiding us towards our blueprints of kindness and love. Every single one of us has this inside of us and you have everything you need to find it and be guided there.


Foreboding Joy and Pain


My Grandmother