
According to Gene Keys one of my gifts is far-sightedness and Omniscience. Before the Roe vs. Wade ruling on Friday, I was sitting with this key and how one of the things I really am skilled at is helping people see the whole picture. How to zoom out into the larger perspective.

I found myself telling a friend yesterday that I am not affected personally but I still hurt. And one of the reasons I hurt is I see who it is affecting and I can't ignore that. Most people are stuck with "tunnel vision" or opposite of omniscience and forget to pause and see the larger picture at play.

What I would like to offer are a few zoomed out perspectives and questions I have been sitting with that last few days. Perhaps different angles or information you might not have thought of. I’m not here to argue or say anyone is right or wrong.

As I have been sitting with the book Emergent Strategy, I love the concept of fractals (if you know me then you know I have a fractal tattoo on my arm). What we are at the small, we are at the large. From fingerprints to iris blooming to galaxies, it is all the same pattern. Of course we as humans and our societies are also the same.

At a basic, small level we are fractured. We are fractured within ourselves. We have A LOT of healing work to do and if you have been more focused outside of yourself on things like work, money, objects, fame may I offer now might be a good time to start unlearning and unhooking. This takes time so please start now.

We are fractured amongst our mothers and our sisters. Refusing to see the relationships we have with our own mothers affects the relationship we have with Mother Earth. The way we treat mothers in our society is heartbreaking and this too is how we treat the Earth. IF this was about babies, then it would be about mothers too and getting them the much needed services they are denied. When we treat mothers with respect and like our planet depends on it (because it does) we will start to see the importance of this planet.

Things like backstabbing, not supporting those who need it, refusing to have courageous conversations with those different than you, placing yourself or others as an outsider, this is sisterhood wound. Now is the time to see how you play into that and what needs to be worked through in yourself and your sisters so that we can start to come together in sacred circles rather than circles that perpetuate harm.

We are fractured in our society but I do believe if we address the first two, this would change.

The systems are collapsing and destruction brings a new way and birth. I am hoping this is exactly what we need to show the systems are not working and wakes us up. We collectively are in the birth canal with labor pains, and now is the time to learn how to be with change. What do you personally need to do to BE in labor pains so that whatever is birthing can be birthed with love. Orgasmic birth does happen.

In some states it is now completely illegal. Meaning that if there is an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in the tubes) the mother will die which also means baby dies too. One might say it's time to get ok with death and on some level I agree. And why is it up to political leaders whom few have medical training who get to decide who dies?

Luckily where I live ectopic abortions are still deemed ok but what is not ok for abortions is if incest or rape is involved. One must "prove" they are raped. Has anyone reading this or saying they are not affected by this ruling ever been raped? Do you have experience with incest? Or helped untangle the sexual trauma of those who have? If you haven't I invite you to look into how difficult it is for a woman to prove she has been raped. I invite you to speak with someone who has, who is willing to share their story, and what it was like for them. What happens at the small, happens at the large. This is a great place to start understanding different perspectives and what other people's lived experiences are.

In some states women will now be forced to deliver babies with VERY complex medical issues that require MASS amounts of insurance, money, and time. In a lot of cases these medical issues will lead to death within the first few years of life. Maybe it's my time working in a pediatric hospital known in the mountain West. I saw A LOT. In some medical cases, death is the best thing (yes we must get ok with death we if we work with birth). And that choice should only be left up to the mother and father.

Some more grim statistics that are also important to share:

1. Who this does affect the MOST are BIPOC, especially black women, those in a lower SES than most of you reading this, transgender, and marginalized. Please read that again.

2. "Pregnant women in the United States die by homicide more often than they die of pregnancy-related causes — and they’re frequently killed by a partner, according to a study published last month in Obstetrics & Gynecology". This is not the leading cause of death but a leading one among pregnant women.

I consider myself a birth worker and womb wisdom keeper. I have been training for years how to hold space for the pregnancy continuum from a trauma informed, somatic perspective. I guess in a way I have been preparing myself for this for years. But I never thought is would be because of this. I am now more than ever committed to doing my deep inner personal work because of fractal theory and so that I can be a stable support for those who will now need my services.

Even if you are not a birth worker, womb keeper, or even care what is happening I urge you to open your perspective and think about who this does affect. These are your sisters and daughters, neighbors and friends. Systems are not working and change is happening faster than we can acclimate too. You can be "unaffected" by it and still be curious how you can start to do your own deep inner work and/or help other who it does affect. What can you do either at a small or large level because ignoring it, won't make it go away.


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